THE lovely people of the Loop Head peninsula have come together to create a horticulture project, designed to bring people closer this winter.
Loophead Peninsula Horticulture and Gardening Project hope to purchase a geodesic dome (polytunnel) to enable horticultural and gardening activities to take place in the West Clare community.
They also hope to run gardening and horticulture classes, operating as an inter-community project for the benefit of the whole peninsula.
Mary Fennell said that the group operates on an entirely voluntary basis and works in collaboration with communities across Loophead Peninsula.
“This is an exciting project that is intended to benefit other voluntary groups such as the Tidy Towns and local development groups,” she added.
The group are hosting a table quiz on Friday, November 10 in Foley’s Bar, Cross at 9pm, as well as a car boot sale and raffle on Sunday, November 12 in St.Mary’s Hall, Carrigaholt in order to raise funds.
The car boot sale/craft and bake sale runs from 11am to 4pm and costs €10 per table.
Contact Marcella on 086-1951863 or 065-9058901 to book a slot.
“We are looking forward to what is sure to be a busy weekend” Mary said.