A SHOCKING Prime Time Investigates documentary aired on Thursday evening revealed that of the Clare rental properties that underwent inspections last year, 99 per cent failed.
A total of 676 properties were inspected during 2016, with 670 properties found to be non-compliant with the regulations for standards in private rented accommodation.
A spokesperson for Clare County Council said: “Following an inspection, Clare County Council informs the landlord by letter what works, if any, are required to be carried out. The necessary works are completed in most cases.
“In some cases however, a re-inspected property found not to have undergone the necessary works (approximately 50 cases per year) may lead to a prosecution”.
There are approximately 10,000 Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) registrations in Clare.
Seven per cent of all Clare RTB properties underwent inspections in 2016, which is actually higher than the national average of four per cent.
Clare County Council conducts inspections of private rented properties in accordance with the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act.
The most common reasons for non-compliance with standards regulations related to 1) fire safety (e.g. non provision of fire blanket, extinguisher or working alarm); 2) ventilation (e.g. blocking or non provision of adequate vents in habitable / bath / cooking spaces); and 3) up to date certification for heating appliances / electrical fitting.